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Album Stats
Stories Of A Stranger: 33%
Souls Aflame: 22%
In Between Now and Then: 17%
The Wanderer: 11%
Cover Songs: 11%
Risen: 6%

Show Rarity: 30.28%
Show rarity is the average rarity of all songs played at the show.
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Charter One Pavilion At Northerly Island 08.20.2005 - Chicago, IL With: Fourth Annual Feeling Better Than Everfine Festival Lineup Featuring: Pepper / Citizen Cope / Michael Tolcher / State Radio / Stephen Kellogg & The Sixers / The Southland / Ludo / As Fast As / Small Town Workers / The Alternate Routes
  1. Set 1:
    1. The Wanderer
    2. Old Man Time
    3. Love and Memories $
    4. King of the Thing
    5. The Stranger
    6. Wonderful Day
    7. Anyway *
    8. Lay Down
    9. Heard the World
    10. On Top the Cage #
    11. Mr. Moon
    12. That Was a Crazy Game of Poker (Devil's Intro / Highest Mountain Outro)
    13. The Way You Do the Things You Do !
    14. Hey Girl (Date Intro)
    15. Black Rock (Long Day Intro)
  2. Encore:
    1. Dakota &
    2. City on Down
    3. You Can't Always Get What You Want ^
& Marc and Richard with Jed Whedon of The Southland on vocals.
Entire show with Danny Chaimson of The Southland on keys.
$ with the "Tamborine Ninja".
* with Ben Ruth on harmonica.
# with Ari Goldstein of Ordinary Peoples on vocals.
! with Pepper.
^ with many performers from the festival.
First time You Can't Always Get What You Want was played.

Ed Paff
Ross Feighery

Downloads Dakota 4.6 MB
You Can't Always Get What You Want 12.2 MB

Reviews Great show!!! Dumb kids though. Crowd surfing and fighting. We got them down when we could. The very last song was absolutely amazing!!!! -stlang3l August 21, 2005
i had a great time. this was the best oar show that i have ever seen. the whole concert was a great time. i hope they keep in chicago next year. the only thing that sucked is when those sac bags got into a fight at the end of the show. i was livid. does anyone know if it was taped? -robin698213 August 21, 2005
ABSOLUTLY AMAZING SHOW, Some Great Bands played that day as well. but O.A.R. put together one "EverFine" Show! Cant wait to see them come back! -HockeySniper August 21, 2005
I thought OAR was awesome...would have liked to hear Windy Cindy Man though. The whole day kicked ass and there were some great bands that I didn't know before but definately liked. Highlight of the night had to be Ben Ruth during was AMAZING.the last song was pretty good could tell that everyone on stage was having a great time. I can't wait for FBTE '06!!!

oh, I'm pretty sure it was taped -Stir It Up07 August 21, 2005
Great set except many songs lacked energy. Anyway was amazing with that guy on harmonica along with you cant always get what you want and on top the cage. but i was dissappointed with poker and city on down, just not as energetic as past chicago shows. overall it was a great show though. -mlkforpres August 21, 2005
un freakin beleavable -mozaic in me August 21, 2005
Crazy man...I was front row up against the railing closest I've ever been in 7's my breakdown of the setlist

The Wanderer - Second best song to open with next to Ladanday

Old Man Time - Great song, one of my favorites

Love And Memories - Definatly one of O.A.R.'s songs that sounds much better live than studio

King Of The Thing - Awesome song, always a highlight

The Stranger - This has great potential to become one of O.A.R.'s staple songs

Wonderful Day - Love what this song has become and is great with Danny Chaimson

Anyway - Great song and amazing harmonica solo

Lay Down - Heard this song three times this year so it is already becoming repetative

Heard The World - Good song looking forward to it on the album

On Top The Cage - Interesting freestyle thought the crowd loved it

Mr. Moon - Another one of my favorites

That Was A Crazy Game Of Poker - Really wish they would have a show without it, previous couple of shows saw people leave because they knew O.A.R. would play Poker, sad when you go to a concert and its not a matter of if a song will be played but when

The Way You Do The Things You Do - Really cool song to cover and O.A.R. does it to perfection

Hey Girl - Who doesn't love this song?

Black Rock (Long Day Intro) - No Blood Outro? :(

Dakota - Definatly expected they've played it at their last like 11 or 12 shows

City On Down - Far and away my favorite song

You Can't Always Get What You Want - WOW -cityondown5 August 22, 2005
It was a great show. My only complaint is that the band didn't seem "into it" as they usually are. Not a lot of emotion and crowd participation. -WittichSTL02 August 22, 2005
my third oar concert, and it was great. Charter One was probably the best venue i have ever been to just becasue of the location, right on the beach. I was a little disapointed that OAR didnt come on till 9, and i got there at 1

by the way, steven kellogg kicks huge ass live -jmax3331 August 22, 2005
Great show, great cover of the stones song at the end as well -Shegone24 August 22, 2005
damn.... by far the best concert experience i ever had.... i really want this show on cd...... i was amazed... lovin the new songs too.... -thedago35 August 22, 2005
greatest o.a.r. concert wasnt sure whast was happening when that guys started rapping -goblue7231 August 22, 2005
When I got there, Ludo was about halfway through their set. The played a good show. They seemed a bit out of place at Everfine fest, I think they would have worked better opening for Weezer, but they had a fun show nonetheless.

The Southland was up next, introduced by Boots with his pants down. They put on a good show, similar to Summerfest. I just can't get over the annoying vibe I get from the lead singer. Also, if they kept stuff a bit lighter, I think I'd like it a bit more.

Then, the moment we all waited for, STEPHEN KELLOGG AND THE SIXERS! Great show, solid songs like Anthem of our Discovery, Start The Day Early, Uninspired Gambling, 13, Piano Man, and others that I either didn't know or can't remember. They put on the second best live show I've ever seen (DMB takes 1st, O.A.R. in 3rd). Also, Kip did his dance routine again. Can't beat it.

I missed State Radio and Michael Tolcher while trying to get SK6ERS autographs, but I heard the shows from a distance. I didn't miss much.

Then there was Citizen Cope. He is a great musician, self-taught guitarist, stellar songwriter, but quite boring. The show was all right, but I would really recommend checking out his stuff.

Then the other side, there is Pepper. I personally can't stand their music. To me, it sounds like drunken Sublime with the dist. turned up too high. I can't tell if they are reggae or hard rock, so I just file them under a drunken mixture. I could never imagine myself sitting down and listening to a full CD of their stuff. It would drive me crazy. Live, on the other hand, is a different story. They put on a very fun, entertaining, and energetic show.

Ok, O.A.R. gets a more detailed analysis.

The Wanderer- Great song, great opener. First time seeing it, so I was pretty pumped. Awesome song to open with. Tons of energy, the drum part supplying most of the energy, and a great way to get the crowd going.

Old Man Time- Also a personal first, and one of my personal favorites. I think it's the best song off IBN&T. Another one to keep the crowd going, and at this time, I was going crazy.

Love and Memories- Incredible. First time hearing it or seeing it, so I didn't really know what to expect, and it's probably the second best SoaS song I've heard (1st it Tragedy). Although, the crowd starts to loose energy when they don't know what's going on, but then again, this was the dumbest crowd I've ever seen (I'll get to that later). Very solid lead guitar part, catchy, upbeat, overall a well put together song. Also, when Doyle came out in the Mortal Kombat outfit was awesome.

King of the Thing- Crazy! I've always loved this song, and this was another 1st for me. I was amazed how much energy was for this somewhat mellow song. Well, now that I think about it, it was on 34&8, so most of the crowd knew it. Stupid crowd (again, later). I've been waiting for this song for a while now.

The Stranger- A bit overshadowed by L&M, but good none the less. Again, there was a lack of energy because no one knew it. Not the best of the new album, but give it some time. It will eventually come into its own.

Wonderful Day- Pretty expected, and applied to the people who only listen to ATN and 34&8, but the vocals are just so much FUN, you can help but sing along. Also, it was funny seeing people stupefied when they started the new outro.

Anyway- Good, but a bit long. When they get into that jam, they really need to shorten it. Also, stop with the stupid echo. As far as the jam goes, it's not anything special, and everything about it is rehearsed, so it's not even a jam. It's more of a interlude disguised as a jam. Just hurry up the "wise man once said." I forgive them that time though because Ben Ruth really knows how to play that harmonica. Granted he's no John Popper, but solid solo.

Lay Down- Oh my GAWD! I can't believe they played it! I love that song! [/sarcasm] Very expected, It's a decent song, I personally love the small intro part. Some of the lyrics are a bit rough (you came down from heaven above to tease the world). Overall, not too bad.

Heard The World- Very expected, and very well accepted. While the verse is a bit rocky, the chorus is perfect. Taking a darker song and putting a slight reggae swing, that's what O.A.R. does best. Also, I confused people because I actually knew the words. I guess they've never heard of this new-fangled thing called the "Internet." Looking forward to that one off the new album.

On Top The Cage- The second last song I expected them to play (Get Away 1st, of course, because It’s my favorite). I've always loved it on tape, but it lacks something in person. The dominance of the bass and drum line really kills some of the energy. The melody section is the guitar and sax. Get more of it! Ari Goldstein does know how to rock though. It seemed thought that no one heard last year's FBTE, "Who gets ya movin'" "YEAH!" I did it, but I didn't get much support.

Mr. Moon- The highlight of the show. Amazing smooth song, with a sax part that is completely unstoppable, and the finger magic of Danny Chaimson. His grand piano solo at the interlude was the best part of the O.A.R. show. Although Richard kinda butted in a but, but that's Rich. He's kinda an intrusive guitarist.

It's all downhill from here...

Poker- For my beef with Poker, see my Summerfest '05 review. For this show's beef with Poker, stick around. First off, no one had ever heard the words "Devil Intro" before in their lives. Also, a good 14 min wasted on that song. I wouldn't mind it so much if they had a few guests, but nothing. It's FBTE for crying out loud! You can bring someone up! I'm just so sick of hearing the exact same song with the exact same intro and the exact same sorry excuse for a jam over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again. Please either shorten it or stop playing it every show. Or both if you can.

The Way You Do The Things You Do- Pepper is crazy, drunk, and horny. O.A.R. is mellow, a bit buzzed, and can control themselves. They do not mix on stage. Also, with Pepper being the guest, the focus is on them, and they are crazy. This song did not match them at all. I was already pissed from wasting another 14 min on Poker, and this was in no way bringing me back. The music had no energy, and the vocals just sounded dumb trying to compensate.

Speaking of disappointments, Hey Girl- Worst part of the show. No question about it. The only good part was they decided to drop the hush now outro. The bad part was the drunken crowd did it for them. Hey Girl is Hey Girl, and I can't really say much about it that I already haven’t said about Poker, but it was the crowd that made this the low point of the show (again, later).

Black Rock- Again, no one has heard the words "Long Day Intro." This nearly brought me back, until the bridge. They go through the frestyles, and they get to the good part. I'm ready, I'm pumped, and... NO BLOOD OUTRO! NO ANYTHING OUTRO! I nearly decided to leave right there, but I was hoping for another closer to match Hey Jude and The Weight.

Dakota- At first, I was a bit skeptical of the new version, but after seeing it, I prefer it to the old one. It was nice having the crowd nice and quiet and confused for this one, because that's what fit the mood. The best part of the post-Poker show.

City On Down- I was hoping to God they didn't play this one because the drunk people behind me that were ruining the show for me (again, later) wanted to hear it so badly. They did play it, the drunks acted stupid, and that was that. Nothing special, just a normal City.

You Can't Always Get What You Want- While it was fun, I was a bit disappointed because I would have much rather perfered a Hey Jude, or a The Weight, I thought those were much better choices. Other ones that would have worked better, in my opinion, were Thank You and Up On Cripple Creek. Fool In The Rain would have worked, but that wouldn't have been new, so if they had played it, I would probably be complaining about that now. I was really cool though to see all the guys from the opening acts, especially SK6ERS, as well as some of the crew, came out to sing.

OK, the crowd. Two songs into the setlist, they were crowd surfing. These people are so wasted that they are under the impression that crowd surfing is acceptable behavior at an O.A.R. concert. Well, it's not. You chill out, dance, and sing. This isn't Ozzfest. Hey Girl, they start a mosh pit. O.A.R. bring in some of the most annoying crowds I've ever seen. Also, the people that did know how to act there kind of forgot it during the new songs. Just because you've never heard a song before doesn't mean that you can't still dance to it and have fun.

Overall, it was quite a Stephen Kellogg show.

"How 'bout this. I'll read your review, you read the Odyssey, we'll see who gets done first." -Trey

Dear Mr. Patterson,

I personally found your review very offensive. It was in no way relative to the show itself. If you want to give me personally a piece of your mind, e-mail me, my address is public. If you want it to be more available to everyone else, post something on, but don't waste our time making us think it's a review of the concert. Also, read over your posts before you put them up. Spell check is not that hard either. It's ctrl+C to copy it and ctrl+V to paste it into a blank word document. Try it. Also, over use of profanity does not help your argument in any way. Saying that I make you "fuckin sick" is an insult, not an argument. If you want to talk like civilized people, e-mail me. It's I will be happy to let you know just how I feel.

Also, when people at the concert were getting drunk and acting like idiots, it was not their loss. They had no realization of what they were doing. It was my loss because their inappropriate behavior was taking away from my concert experience.

With “I forgive them that time,� I was in no way under the impression that the band is sitting around the computer waiting for my every idea as if their lives depended upon it. Also, the sentence refers to a personal acceptance of the action. Others can accept it, other can decide not to. I in no way said that they were completely absolved of all their transgressions, but rather that I personally thought the compensated a not-so-impressive “jam� with a very well orchestrated harmonica solo.

While I don’t agree with your opinion about O.A.R. putting on a better show than the almighty Dave Matthews Band, you are entitled to your own opinion and I respect that. Also, with your opinion on Pepper, if you noticed, I did not enjoy their music, but I did find their show quite entertaining.

Also, don’t try to say that I didn’t enjoy the concert, because I did until Poker. And the reason I keep comming back is because I know that they can put on a stellar show. I saw them at the Rave this spring. In fact, their entire spring tour was great, but their summer tour has been sub-par in my opinion. Also, do not say that I am not a fan. I was the first person in line for the Rave show, as well as ariving at noon for the last two years of Summerfest. I have 15 shows on CD, and I am able to admit when the band is have a not-so-good night.

And also, I was not running around screaming, “This song SUCKS!� when they were playing Poker because I did not want to take away from the “Poker Fans’� experiences. I will give you my opinion on the song any day of the week, but if you’re having a good time with it, I won’t try to hurt that. I won’t do anything at all to distract you. Crowd surfing and mosh pits, on the other hand, are quite distracting.

Again, if you want to talk to me personally, don’t call it a review. If you simply want to insult my point of view, then firstly, don’t call it a review, and secondly, save your breath. If you have a logical argument, e-mail me.
-dancing_nancies August 23, 2005
Quote-"I forgive them that time"
You make me fuckin sick. You should be bitch slapped by every REAL O.A.R. fan out there. You don't have the right to say such a thing. That was the best show I've been to. Better than any Dave show I've been to. I you keep getting disappointed so much than stop fuckin going. As for the crowd, see when people are at a concert they are actually enjoying, the adrenaline starts coarsing through your veins. Drunk or not. Then people do crazy shit. So don't worry about it's their loss anyways. And speaking of which that songs was not to long is plain fuckin amazing! Every single concert I've been to you've posted and it makes me sick. Just shut the fuck up! Oh and next to O.A.R. Pepper was the best band there. Don't get me wrong Kellogg and the Sixers were good but nothing compared to. But lastly, once again, you crossed the line by assuming that you can forgive O.A.R. I'd like to here what you can do. -Mr_Patterson August 23, 2005
this concert was great. you can talk about adrenaline all you want but the high schoolers suck. fighting and all that bullshit really brings down the mood of an awesome show. other than that, it was a great show and i cant wait for them to come back. -leggman67 August 24, 2005
Please keep your reviews focused on reviewing the actual show and not responding to others' reviews. Everyone has their own opinion. If you want to discuss shows in more depth, please visit, the official O.A.R. message board. I do love these long reviews though, keep it up!

This show was good. I loved hearing all the new stuff live. Not the best FBTE, but certainly not the worst show they've played. -edpaffjr August 24, 2005
With exceptions of fighting and people being stupid... this show fucking rocked. Best Part-Me and my friends were doing our thing (many of you know what i speak of) AND BENJI WALKED TO WHERE WE WERE AND STARTED TAKING PICTURES OF THE CITY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! never been so excited in my life, it was an awesome show. Granted that the fighting brought it down, but everyone was awesome there... i cant count how many times i was offered a free beer and it was just all around awesome... i cant wait till the next one!!!! -KenP989 August 25, 2005
we really need to get a "the way you do the things you do" download on this site -gurz13 September 27, 2005
One of the best live shows I have seen in a while. Definately the best O.A.R. show i have ever seen. The whole band had great energy. Mr. Moon and You Can't Always Get What You Want were amazing. Anyway with Ben Ruth was sweet. Also a nice, small venue with great view of the Chicago skyline. -hicksy9 November 14, 2005
loveed this show had a grate time all day -ryry9339 July 17, 2006
sweet concert -mcarstens_7231 July 20, 2006