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Mr. Moon
>Marc's explanation:
I wrote the song on the summer tour. I normally wouldn't write much about current political situations around the world because honestly, I don't know much at all. I just felt it must be pretty funny to look down on this world sometimes. Basically, I thought how ridiculous our world appears as we handle every situation with war and violence. The song begins with a young boy looking at the moon, and the world around him, as a fairytale. Peaceful, smiling, wondrous. And as he grows older the more and more he realizes how violent this wondrous world truly is. I often see the moon as laughing at us all the time. You can almost see it smiling down on us. But at the same time it is stuck with us forever. So maybe we should be the ones laughing at him. It just seemed like everyday the moon attempts to escape but the nighttime brings it back to us.

music details
Albums: In Between Now and Then
Live on Red Rocks
Lyrics:In Between Now and Then
Tabs:[guitar] [lead] [video]
>08.02.2003 - The Blue Note - Columbia, MO (with Gabe Dixon) 10.3 MB

show details
Date first played:09.19.2002 - Tremont Music Hall - Charlotte, NC
Date last played:03.26.2025 - City Winery - New York, NY
Times played:229
Times opened with:1
Times closed with:1
Times played in encore:3

Percent Performed By State Heat Map

Percentage is the number of shows the song was played compared to the number of shows played in that state since the song was first played anywhere.