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>This song was written in respect of John Lennon. The Dakota was the site where he was shot across from Central Park. While the lyrics varied the first few times it was played, they all seem to say "try to imagine what John could have done if he was still alive."

music details
Albums: Stories Of A Stranger
Stories Of A Stranger
Tabs:[guitar] [guitar] [guitar]
>01.14.2006 - Madison Square Garden - New York, NY 6.1 MB
>08.20.2005 - Huntington Bank Pavilion At Northerly Island - Chicago, IL (with Jed Whedon and Danny Chaimson) 4.6 MB
>02.24.2004 - House Of Blues - Chicago, IL (First appearance) 5.1 MB

show details
Date first played:02.24.2004 - House Of Blues - Chicago, IL
Date last played:03.15.2025 - City Winery - Pittsburgh, PA
Times played:119
Times opened with:6
Times closed with:2
Times played in encore:56

Percent Performed By State Heat Map

Percentage is the number of shows the song was played compared to the number of shows played in that state since the song was first played anywhere.