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Song Statistics

> Most played songs (excluding covers)
SongTimes played
That Was a Crazy Game of Poker1986
Hey Girl1819
City on Down1326
Love and Memories1260
Shattered (Turn the Car Around)1192
Night Shift1091
Delicate Few1089
Black Rock1048
About an Hour Ago875
About Mr. Brown849
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> Least played songs (excluding covers and those played only once)
SongTimes played
Bill and I2
Brand New2
Crowded Mind2
Look Where We Are Right Now2
New Poker Intro2
So Much2
Sun Gonna Pick Me Up2
Show all songs, including covers

> Most times opened with
SongTimes opened
City on Down144
Hey Girl143
Love and Memories141
Dareh Meyod118
About Mr. Brown103
The Wanderer101
Shattered (Turn the Car Around)78
Dangerous Connection74
This Town73

> Most times closed with
SongTimes closed
That Was a Crazy Game of Poker765
Missing Pieces137
Delicate Few132
Hey Girl131
No Woman No Cry101
City on Down89
Night Shift75
Love and Memories72
Stir It Up69

> Most times played in encore
SongTimes encored
That Was a Crazy Game of Poker540
I Feel Home139
Night Shift113
Delicate Few110
Love and Memories104
City on Down99
Missing Pieces90
Hey Girl90
Shattered (Turn the Car Around)86

> Least rare (excluding covers)
Song rarity is the percentage of shows this song has been played at since its first appearance.
You Don’t Have to Say Goodbye100.00%
Shattered (Turn the Car Around)91.27%
That Was a Crazy Game of Poker87.76%
Hey Girl80.38%
Love and Memories78.70%
I Go Through66.67%
City on Down58.59%
Gonna Be Me (the friendship song)56.92%
Show all songs, including covers

> Most rare (excluding covers and those played only once)
Song rarity is the percentage of shows this song has been played at since its first appearance.
Bill and I0.09%
Crowded Mind0.12%
So Much0.13%
Blues Jam0.14%
Brand New0.14%
New Poker Intro0.14%
Pay for What We Believe0.16%
Sun Gonna Pick Me Up0.17%
Show all songs, including covers

> Longest drought (excluding covers and those played only once)
SongLast Played
Blues Jam03.07.2001
Skillz Jam09.14.2003
Pay for What We Believe09.25.2003
So Much11.01.2005
New Poker Intro08.18.2007
Sun Gonna Pick Me Up01.29.2009
Are You Low?08.02.2011
Wicked Storm08.13.2011
Show all songs, including covers