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Album Stats
In Between Now and Then: 43%
Stories Of A Stranger: 14%
The Wanderer: 14%
Risen: 7%
Souls Aflame: 7%
Unreleased: 7%
Cover Songs: 7%

Show Rarity: 31.49%
Show rarity is the average rarity of all songs played at the show.
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Tommy Hilfiger at Jones Beach Theater 08.06.2004 - Wantagh, NY With: Howie Day / Matt Nathanson
  1. Set 1:
    1. Revisited
    2. Dareh Meyod
    3. Anyway $
    4. Risen
    5. Earthward
    6. Whose Chariot?
    7. Right on Time
    8. Lay Down
    9. Black Rock (Long Day Intro)
    10. Nasim Joon ~ ->
    11. Hey Girl (Date Intro / Hush Little Baby Outro)
    12. Delicate Few (Second Half Only)
    13. Sunday Bloody Sunday *
  2. Encore:
    1. That Was a Crazy Game of Poker (So Lonely Outro)
~ Marc and Jerry.
* with Matt Nathanson on vocals.
$ with Les Hall on guitar.

Recordings No recordings available. Check back later.

Downloads Nasim Joon 5.2 MB

Reviews Kick ass set list. Loved it. Just wish the crowd had a clue. They were the worst. No one even knew how to respnd to a great show. It was like there was no appreciation for the band whatsoever. Still enjoyed it, like i said, the set list was awesome, played almost everything from Between N&T. Anyone know if the band will be coming to NYC anytime soon??? -nchadwic August 9, 2004
This was my first OAR show, and it was one of the best shows I've ever seen! Personally, where I was, the crowd was great. The only problem I had with the set is that they didn't play as much of their earlier stuff as I would have liked. BTW, they usually play a Thanksgiving show at Hammerstein; their upcoming live album is one of those thanksgiving shows. -BigE42984 August 9, 2004
What a great show. The energy wansn't crazy, but ever show that I have been to at Jones Beach has been a little mellow. I don't think it's the crowd, it's just the atmosphere. The band was amazing, they had a great set. Personally, I would have liked some older songs in addition. Overall, awesome!!! -sofistikit112 August 9, 2004
the show was great, as is everytime i see them...however..this was not the best crowd..i think its better to see them at a venue that is general admission..there is a better flow of energy...also...the set was awesome, but im a fan of the older stuff so more of that would have been better...the cover of sunday bloody sunday was phenomenal!! -msmchick August 9, 2004
OAR is the best band in the world!!!! the concert was amazing!!!! doesnt get much better!!!! O...A...R--section 5R yea baby!!!!! -crazeslow22 August 9, 2004
sick setlist, no one can dispute that, but the show was short, and for some reason the place was empty, people WTF? jones beach is one of the best places to see a show i have been to PLENTY of venues, last year when they played there with the sprite tour the crowd was alot better,wish they played more, they should be able to bang out 18- 22- songs a show, howie day was good, but long, and no one cared about him which sucked, i liked the show, and i think they are evolving into one of the best touring bands around, def best bang for your concert buck
cheers - dave
see you at hammerstein o4 boys -coyn113 August 10, 2004
I have to agree, the crowd was weak. I sat in the middle of a huge group of people talking about how excited they were to see O.A.R. and then sat down until they heard Hey Girl. Good setlist,especially Earthward! Hammerstein '04! -berg0804 August 10, 2004
I went through the trouble of registering just to say how much that show sucked. i have seen them in the past and this was the most disappointing thing i have ever seen. i will never put anymore money into the band because of it and wish i could get my money back for this one. -kevman1234 August 29, 2004
It was a pretty good show, the only thing that pissed me off was the crowd chanting "poker" as soon as they came on stage.... They have more and alot better songs than that..... I traveled from milwaukee wi to see that showand overall it was pretty good. -burker18 September 23, 2004
i thought the concert had a really great setlist. it's clear they aren't going to play their old stuff forever ya know. the crowd could have been better, but no one in new york really knows who Oar is anyways...just kidding guys...i also traveled from milwaukee, Wi and was a little dissapointed with the energy of the crowd. i am going to Oar at hammerstien '04 so i hope the atmosphere will be awesome... -cwith5 October 8, 2004
kickass show off the alantic ocean!! this is where i first heard the song Nasin Joon and i love it, i hope the guys play it more. i agree with other peeps opinions about the crowd.. i guess we were hungry -enyoswings October 29, 2004
Sorry about the delay ont he post here but anyway.....first OAR show ive been to, only knew poker before i went, and now I love them. I cant stop listening.The energy by me was great. And i danced to eveyr song and every song was so great. Seeing this show was the best thing that has ever happened to me and I love OAR!!!!!!!!!!!!! -oarBRADoar December 22, 2004
amazin setlist, great show! -aboutanhrago February 28, 2005