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Dareh Meyod
>The literal translation of this Farsi phrase, according to the band, is "It's Coming." Therefore Seshambeh Dareh Meyod means "Tuesday, It's Coming."

The song is about leaving in the middle of the night for tour. Marc would tell his wife he was leaving on Wednesday, when really he was leaving late Tuesday night or early Wednesday morning. In a way, this song is an apology and recognition of how hard it is for your significant other to be in this situation.

music details
Albums: In Between Now and Then
34th & 8th
Live From Madison Square Garden
Live in Boston
Lyrics:In Between Now and Then
34th & 8th
Live From Madison Square Garden
>10.31.2003 - Xavier University - Cincinnati, OH 7.9 MB

show details
Date first played:10.19.2001 - Bogart's - Cincinnati, OH
Date last played:03.15.2025 - City Winery - Pittsburgh, PA
Times played:701
Times opened with:118
Times closed with:2
Times played in encore:21

Percent Performed By State Heat Map

Percentage is the number of shows the song was played compared to the number of shows played in that state since the song was first played anywhere.