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Koka Booth Amphitheatre At Regency Park 08.02.2006 - Cary, NC With: Jack's Mannequin > 7 users have this show

Gober2slYoung CitySBD MP39great show....good frestyles of the old songs
golf7Young CitySBD2 FLAC9I recorded it, i have the source WAV, FLAC, you name it i got it
Grimmace19Young CitySBD2 MP38
jkumar923Young CitySBD2 MP37I have this show, this is the frist show i have traded, but i am ready to get rolling....looking for Elon 5-6-06
Niccy11Young CitySBD2 CDR10wow.... definitely played conquering fools for me and its GREAT to hear the dedication... but i wasnt there to hear it live.. THANK GOD FOR THE RECORDING
scottdmboarYoung CitySBD2 MP39I can send you this online if you have aim!
slick923Young CitySBD2 MP37