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Album Stats
Risen: 25%
In Between Now and Then: 19%
Souls Aflame: 19%
The Wanderer: 19%
Stories Of A Stranger: 6%
Any Time Now: 6%
Unreleased: 6%

Show Rarity: 25.5%
Show rarity is the average rarity of all songs played at the show.
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Festival Pier At Penn's Landing 07.16.2005 - Philadelphia, PA With: Pepper / The Southland
  1. Set 1:
    1. The Wanderer
    2. Risen
    3. If Only She Knew
    4. Anyway
    5. King of the Thing
    6. About an Hour Ago
    7. Untitled
    8. Old Man Time
    9. Delicate Few
    10. Toy Store
    11. Here's to You
    12. Heard the World
    13. City on Down
  2. Encore:
    1. Short a Try ~
    2. Destination (Fire on the Mountain Tag)
    3. That Was a Crazy Game of Poker
~ Marc solo.
Entire show with Danny Chaimson of The Southland on keys.

Nathan Acker

Downloads Heard the World 6.8 MB

Reviews Awsome show.....great setlist -Jdleyb July 17, 2005
Great show, at least the songs that I heard...for future reference, do not take the ferry over into Philly from NJ, you will not be able to see the entire show because the ferry does not run that late. Plus, it costs as much $$ to park and take the ferry as it does to drive into Philly and park there. All in all though, I loved the addition of Chaimson on the keys. -udmapguy July 18, 2005
Wow....That was too nice of a show, all my favorites were played and there was a three song encore and on top of that the set list was absolutely stellar. I don't think i could have hoped for a better concert. I'm going to have to start following OAR on tour because they are so amazing, the only thing that I was disapointed by was that Jerry didnt have as many solos on the sax as i expected. I thought it was weird how Marc asked for no crowd surfing too. It was so funny when he picked up the bracelet and started talking about it. -blazedscraps July 18, 2005
Great show with a great mix of some of their "older" stuff. Gotta love the MartDogg shout out as well. -jmujack July 18, 2005
That was one hell of a show. They truly do get better each time I see them, loved Hour Ago haven't heard them play that in many years. Loved the new addition on keys too. Best part of the show by far was whent Marc picked up the livestrong-like bracelet on stage. As soon as I saw the color of shamrock green, I knew it was for Marty aka Mart Dogg. Marty is one of my best friends cousin. Marty died recently of Brain Cancer and his buddies from Villanova made the bracelets to remember him. Marty was a huge O.A.R. fan and I am sure was very pleased when Marc picked his bracelet up and announced his name. -barrykp July 18, 2005
freaking amazing. the last half of the show was remarkable, delicate few all the way to poker. much better than the next night's show. -bjb33nyy July 18, 2005
i cant believe that they started with so much power and energy and didnt stop through the whole show. there were only a few light songs. they rocked amazingly -kingofthething July 23, 2005
Great show with Short a Try, $7 Miller Lite longnecks, and 16 year olds in tennis skirts. Loved Toy Store and KOTT, sorry to the younger fans if a group of 20-somethings were too rowdy. -dag2m July 25, 2005
second O.A.R show , and it just gets better. great setlist, opening with wanderer was amazing. three song encore was great. good to here some of the older songs. openers were alright , but pepper played to long. marc and the guys rocked hard like usuall. -wanderer104 August 8, 2005
CONCERT WAS AMAZING! my first concert and i was so amazed by how good O.A.R. is in concert. Went with my 2 friends and we all had a great time. Hooked up with some random girl. Saw a really Violent fight literally right next to me. Prolly gonna try and see em again before the tour is over b/c pepper and southland were great as well. Anyone that has a chance to go see the support O.A.R. tour i strongly recomend! -Byron042 August 31, 2005
sick nasty lets just say that -millsccr December 8, 2005
probably one of the best shows ive seen in a while. Highlights were untitled and city on down. I think everyone had a pretty sweet night. -venaf1209 December 12, 2005