House Of Blues
12.31.2009 - Atlantic City, NJ
With: Danny Chaimson And The 11th Hour
Entire show with MikelParis on keys, percussion, and vocals. * with Danny Chaimson on keys. First time Light Switch Sky was played. Recordings
Reviews Band had great energy all night, Light Switch Sky and If She Only Knew were awesome to hear. COD at midnight with a new years countdown was sick, I had a feeling they would do this once it got close to midnight. Very nice way to ring in the new year. No matter how many times I head Poker, it's unreal to hear it live, the energy they put into it is amazing. I know most people hate hearing the same song over and over, but it was a good way to close out that show with some energy to keep us going for the rest of the night. Was hoping the 21+ crowd would have made it a more enjoyable experience, but still dumb drunks every where spilling drinks, meat heads pushing their way to the front, people texting the whole show, and during I Feel Home you could actually hear "chatter" of the crowd in GA over Marc at some points. I should have known better for NYE, but overall I was happy to bring in the new year with OAR. -billyk89 January 3, 2010 Watched this one via OARtv under the name Someone In the Road. Gotta say this was a pretty awesome way to start the new year. Of course being at home I had to go off sometimes to celebrate with the fam, but I made sure not to miss Light Switch Sky, which turned out to be an awesome song, you can tell a lot of work went into it. Despite the cam falling over once or twice the guys still killed and it was a great show. -MusicIsRevolution January 3, 2010 Awesome show. I was first row right in front of Richard. If Only She Knew and Light Switch Sky were sick. Also, the band KILLED it during 52-50. They went the so much energy on that song, and it sounded incredible. Absolutely awesome night! -trabs1127 January 4, 2010 Best show I've been to so far. Awesome set...pulled out some oldies. Totally sweet. Introduced Light Switch Sky, which is an awesome song. Just an awesome show. Couldn't have asked for better. -taylork January 4, 2010 This was a great show! The new Light Switch Sky song was awesome. I did the VIP package and went to the meet and greet as well as the sound check, what an experience!! -sg815 January 8, 2010 | ||||||||||
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