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How to do a B&P
We realize B&P's are a thing of the past, but we are keeping this here for historical purposes.

Many bands allow the taping and trading of their live concerts, as long as no money is being exchanged. These trades are setup between two people typically through message boards on the Internet. This can help the popularity of a band spread very quickly around the world even if they are stuck playing in one area. Often, new traders do not know what to do because they don't have any concerts to trade, but they quickly learn about a process called B&P. B&P stands for blanks and postage, which are the two main items you will need to complete this process.

In the following instruction manual you will learn how to successfully complete a B&P with another person. This manual is setup to instruct the recipient of the B&P, since the traders who offer B&P's should know how the process is done.

  • The proper number of blank CD-R's. (The trader will tell you how many.)
  • CD Sleeves or some other method to protect your CD's.
  • A bubble mailer.
  • An envelope larger than the bubble mailer.
  • A pen or other writing utensil.
  • An index card or something else to write on.
Figure 1: Supplies that will be needed tocomplete this process.
Caution: Your blank CD's must be CD-R and not CD-RW.

Preparing Your Package
Step 1: The jewel cases that often come with your blank CD's will add significant weight to your package. There are cheaper methods that can be considered. Most people will use CD sleeves made by Case Logic or even the paper sleeves that are used in software boxes. Pick the shipping method you want to use and insert your blanks into the protective device as shown in Figure 2. Insert In Sleeves
Figure 2: Inserting blank CD's into protective sleeves.
Step 2: Address the bubble mailer to yourself and from the trader as shown in Figure 3. You can use either an address label or just write the address directly on the mailer. This will be the envelope used to send your CD's back to you after being burned. Address Bubble Mailer
Figure 3: Address the bubble mailer to yourself from the trader.
Step 3: Put your protected CD's into the bubble mailer as shown in Figure 4. Put Sleeves In Mailer
Figure 4: Insert your blank CD's into the bubble mailer.
Step 4: Write a short note to the trader to remind him/her what concert the trade is for as shown in Figure 5. You should also include your email address in this note, so the trader can easily get in touch with you in the event of a problem. Since the traders are using their own time to help you out with no benefit for themselves, it is also encouraged that you say thanks. Write Note
Figure 5: Write a brief note to the trader.
Step 5: Put the note into the bubble mailer as shown in Figure 6. Put Note In Mailer
Figure 6: Put the note in the bubble mailer.
Checkpoint: The bubble mailer should now contain your blank CD's and the note you wrote to the trader. Do not seal the bubble mailer though.
Step 6: The larger envelope should be addressed the opposite of the bubble mailer. You should address it to the trader from yourself as in Figure 7. This will be the package that is actually sent to the trader. Address Envelope
Figure 7: Address the larger envelope to the trader from you.

Sending Your Package In The Mail
Step 1: Go to a post office or some other place that has a postage scale.
Step 2: Weigh the bubble mailer, with the blank CD's and note still in it. This will be the weight of the package sent back to you after the trader burns your CD's. Put the required postage on the bubble mailer.
Caution: Do not put metered postage on the bubble mailer. Metered postage should only be used on the day issued, and originate from the city it was purchased from. Use stamps instead.
Step 3: Put the unsealed bubble mailer inside the larger envelope as shown in Figure 8, and then seal the larger envelope. Put Mailer In Evenvelope
Figure 8: Insert the bubble mailer into the larger envelope.
Caution: Keep the bubble mailer un-sealed. The trader will seal it after your CD's are burned.
Step 4: Weigh the entire package, and put the required amount of postage onto the envelope.
Step 5: Drop your package into the mail.

Now you must sit and wait for your package patiently. Remember, the traders have lives of their own and they are doing a favor for you. It may take 2 to 3 weeks for your package to come back to you, although many will do it faster and there are a few who will take longer. If a month goes by and you haven't received your package and haven't heard from the trader, you should politely email the trader and ask about the status of your B&P. Once you get your CD's back, you can return the favor by offering to do some B&P's for new traders like yourself. Once you get a nice sized collection, you can then start trading shows.