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rachelsgroove's attendance & stats
  • has been to 101 show(s)
  • has seen 0 total song(s) played
  • has seen an average of 0 song(s) per show
  • has seen 75 different song(s) played, excluding cover songs
  • has seen 98 different song(s) played, including cover songs
  • has seen shows in 19 state(s) (CT, DC, GA, IL, IN, KY, MA, MD, MI, NC, NJ, NY, OH, PA, RI, SC, TN, VA, WV)
  • has a rarity rating of 32.51%
  • is going to 0 upcoming show(s)
  • has yet to see 103 song(s) played, excluding cover songs
  • has yet to see 264 song(s) played, including cover songs
  • has 0 show recording(s)
  • wants 0 show recording(s)
  • has offered 0 B&P(s)
Show Attendance Heat Maps

Stats are calculated from your show attendance list. To add more shows to your list click the "i went" link when viewing the setlist for a show that you went to.