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heardtheworld's oarsa.org profile
real name:
email: tony_hass@hotmail.com
oarfans.com name:
non-oarsa list:
trading status: Open For Trades
trading rules:

heardtheworld has 0 shows
heardtheworld wants 2 shows
2005-03-24The Rave - Eagles Ballroom
Milwaukee, WI
Michael FriesSBDMP3I would prefer MP3 because I can't get the other types to convert but if you tell me how to then that would be ok too, thanks.
2001-02-07Northberg Tavern
Columbus, OH
Doesn't MatterN/AMP3I would prefer MP3, I can't get the FLAC files converted for some reason but if you tell me how to then that would be ok too, thanks.