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Whose Chariot? > sax

transcribed by Marc Fishman

*Note* - It was easier to make out this song by playing with live versions.
So, there may be a slight difference between this and the
studio version.

Opening Part (Studio version doesn't come in until after second verse)--

E g# a b     d e
E g# a b     a g# (repeat a few times and then it goes into this...)

c#     e     f# e    G# f#   A B(hold)

Long note - B........A G#

a c# d e     G A
a c# d e     d c# (repeat a few times and then it goes into this...)

f#       A       B A    C# B      D E(hold)

Long note - E........D C#

Chorus riff--

E f# g#a b c# d   e f# e
E f# g# a        c# e d
E f# g# a        G# e

a b c# d e f# G   A B A
a b c# d        f# A G
a b c# d        C# A

This entire solo is absolutely terrific and because of how complex and long it is,
it would be way too confusing to read as a tab. 

However, it is all in the key of "A" (f#, c#, and g#)
Just improvise--it's most likely what Jerry's doing anyway.

However, it is all in the key of D, I think. I play Alto, not Tenor
--but from my knowledge of the two instruments, I'm sure it's key of D (c# f#)
Just improvise--it's most likely what Jerry's doing anway.

But the part near the end of the solo where he gets into some higher notes and more
of the band is playing along too goes like this...

G# A G# A G# A G# f# e     G# A G# A G# A G# f# e f# G#     G# A G#   G# A 
G#  G# A G#
G# A B.....G# A B(hold)   G# A B(hold) A G# A G# f# f# f# e G# f# f# e  
Then he trills with G# f# e and then G# A B(hold)

C# D C# D C# D C# B A     C# D C# D C# D C# B A B C#      C# D C#   C# D C#  
C# D C
C# D E(hold).....C#D E(hold) D C# D C# B B B A C# B B A
Then he trills with C# B A and then C# D E(hold)

Marc comes back in now and Jerry goes back into lower notes.

Play around with the g# a  b area and it will sound right.
I'm not sure exactly what it is.

Play around with the c# d e area and it will sound right. 
I'm not sure exactly the rhythm and all.